Mentor Training


The Mentor Training Program was developed by ACCFS to be a resource tool for elders, ministers, and churches to enhance their relationships by equipping members to become effective and godly mentors. The program focuses on teaching brothers, sisters, and married couples the skills that make for effective mentoring. Some of the purposes and goals of mentoring can be:

  • Helping others attain spiritual growth.
  • Providing support with general issues in life such as singleness, marriage, parenting, etc.
  • Giving encouragement during major transitional periods of life.

Mentoring Programs

Some local church mentoring programs are more structured with mentor/mentee relationships established and monitored by the elder and/or a mentor program coordinator. Other programs are less structured and simply train mentors to seek out those in need or to be available upon request. Both of these approaches can be effective and appropriate depending upon local church culture and needs.


Basic Mentor Training is a 4-hour session including instruction on a wide variety of mentor-related issues, such as:

  • The Idea of Mentoring.
  • The Look of Mentoring.
  • The Principles of Mentoring.
  • The Skills of Mentoring.
  • The Relationships of Mentoring.

Click for a Brief Mentor Program Description

Click for Local Church Mentoring Program Objectives

Please contact ACCFS for more information and to schedule a training class at [email protected]