Accountability Questions

1. Have you been with a man or woman anywhere this past week that might have been seen as compromising?
2. Have any of your financial dealings lacked integrity?
3. Have you exposed yourself to any sexually explicit materials?
4. Have you been proactive, making sure your thought-life is pure and in line with Scripture?
5. Have you been inappropriate, insensitive, or excessive in your use of any food or alcohol?
6. Have you spent adequate time in Bible study and prayer?
7. Are you effectively budgeting your time and finances?
8. Have you given priority time to your family?
9. Have you resolved any interpersonal problems that have come up? Have you dealt with anger in a biblical manner?
10. Are you using your God-given talents and abilities in a manner consistent with how God has gifted you?
11. Have you just minimized issues or lied to me?

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